Eligibility And Selection Criteria
An LL.B. Degree or any other bachelor degree in Law with a minimum of fifty percent (50%) marks or its equivalent grade in case of candidates belonging to General/OBC/PWD categories and Forty-Five percent (45%) marks or its equivalent grade in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST categories. However, the Admission Committee may decide to reduce the qualifying marks percentage based on exigencies of the situation.
Candidates appearing for their qualifying examination in April/May 2024 are also eligible to apply. There is no upper age limit for appearing for the Course.
The pedagogy will be based on a mix of academicians and practitioners with practice-oriented approach towards the Course. Various teaching methods will be used to train participants optimally in this programme. A high-quality study material prepared by professionals in the field will also be provided. Customized training programme will also be conducted by IICA in association with NALSAR for students under this programme.
Advantages from the Course
• Experienced Faculty of National and International Repute
• Well-developed course material with presentations.
• Offered by NALSAR & IICA. NALSAR is a renowned Law Institution with world class faculty and pedagogy. IICA is a Govt. of Indian Institution which has been a vehicle for driving the agenda on corporate issues for more than a decade, with access to best academic resources available in India and abroad.
• Access to state of art IICA & NALSAR Campus during the course
• Access to in house faculty throughout the duration of course for clarification of doubts etc.
• Continuous guidance for placements during the course.
The candidates will be selected based on their performance in online examination and personal interview as given below:
Online entrance examinationination
Syllabus for the examination:
Question Paper Format · 100% Objective (MCQs) Entrance Examinationination – 60% weightage Personal Interview (online mode) – 40% weightage Maximum Marks – 100
Law of Contract, Sale of Goods Act, Property Law, Company Law, Tax Law, SEBI and Capital Markets Corporate Finance & IBC Code Duration of Examination – 2:00 Hours |